Is Your Family Eligible for Safeway Gift Cards?

If you have recently been laid off or have lost hours at work that result in a loss of wages, you may qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program and will also be eligible for the Safeway gift cards. It is our hope that we can assist SLVUSD students in this small way by helping to buy groceries for families.
Here’s where to apply to the SLV Free/Reduced Lunch Program; link provided HERE.
Safeway gift cards, provided by "SLV Food for Families," are available for pick up during the regular breakfast/lunch meal pickups as long as funds are available.
Each week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 11:00am at both BCE and the SLV tri-campus until Tuesday, June 30, 2020.* *PLEASE NOTE: Week of June 1st - meal pickup will be Tuesday, June 2nd and Thursday, June 4th to accommodate SLVHS Graduation Ceremony.
How Can You Help?
If you are currently employed, please consider helping the families in SLV feed their children. This is a disturbing time for all of us, but for those who are struggling to feed their children, it is terrifying. Please help us take care of our SLVUSD families for a better tomorrow for us all.
DONATE HERE: SLV Food for Families
If your company or business participates in a "matching donation" program, please consider supporting "SLV Food for Families." Every penny of this money will go to SLVUSD families who are struggling.
We "Thank You" for your generosity!